Oh wow berhabuk and bersawang my blog niee kan...
Nak cuci-cuci sekejap and lepas niee nak tulis skit pasal Teachers.
Today is Teacher's Day in Malaysia, 16 May 2012.
A few great teachers have come to my life since my primary school, university and of course my career life. 3 of these people that I want to mention today have basically the same character when comes to their values as teachers and mentors.
Orang yang paling berpengaruh dalam hidup kita selain parents are of course TEACHERS lah or in Malay we call it tenaga pengajar.
Come to my 40s, I think I would like to mention a few names that have influenced to my life, them being my TEACHERS. In no favorite order only follow chronology :)
Masa sekolah menengah, I always admire Cikgu Zaiton, telah kembali ke rahmatullah tahun lalu. Seorang guru yg cukup berkaliber, berdedikasi dan you all takkan jumpa laaa cikgu yang sebegini rupanya. I think many students have had a crush on her life in teaching. Kerja dengan penuh passionate. She was also a warden, a great English teacher for most of us at school. Thanks a lot for your guidance and I will remember your kewanitaan yang cukup tinggi. Berpakaian kemas, bauan yang amat wangi, very presentable. How presentable she is had portrayed how presentable her class always be. Perfectionist and high expectation. If she didn't like what you do she would tell you off immediately, just before you knew it. Al-fatihah to her and thanks a zillion once again coz I have crossed that path with YOU as a student-teacher thingy!
Masa dekat University pulak agak culture shock dapat pergi ke luar negara. Gara2 penangan Cikgu Zaiton tadi. Sebab dulu menci bahasa Engris. Dalam menci kena suka laa sebab dah di negaraorang putih. Al kisah masuklah undergraduate di University of Iowa. Kita rasa macam kita niee alien duduk belajar kat negeri orang kan. Itu kira dekat 18 tahun yg lalu, tak ramai student dapat opportunity. So each student in School of Liberal Arts was given an advisor. I am very close monitor on my achievement and what course to make and take, maklumlah agak bodoh gitu. The person is none other than Bob Kirby of University of Iowa. I think he is still around the university. Dah lama tu maybe ada laaa lebih 20 tahun di UI agaknya. Dia niee tak laa macam Cikgu Zaiton, sopan santun, kemas berpakaian. Dia niee agak messy, rambut panjang macam hippies gitu, selekeh laaa. Tapi have a very dynamic character. Badan pun agaknya time salji tak pernah mandi kot. Harap2 dia tak paham. Suka berinteraksi sesama student. I am bless having a mentor such as him. Again, very straight forward kind of person, very firm. What you want to achieve end of the day? Very simple and passionate towards the student. Very rare kind of person if you ever can find em these days. Hope he is still doing very well at the University and thank you so much for the exposure and guidance thruout 4 years di negara orang, kerana di sinun tidak menarik langsung hanya ada ladang tebu and ladang ternak khinzir. What an experience!
Masa kerja pulak, begini ceritanya tapi agak reserve skit because I am still here working in Xerox for the last 15 years. And my mentor niee pulak he is my ex-boss but he still around laaa. Dia dah berada di bahagian Top Management of Fuji Xerox. Sama jee pendekatannya dengan my 2 other mentors, seorang yang straight forward, high expectations and will give you the guidance as long as you look interested to your nature of work . Passionate to nature of work for whatever reason that is or will be. Masih lagi aktif memberi pandangan and tunjuk ajar. Tapi kekadang sebab kita pun dah berumur, agak tak setuju jua dengan pandangannya. I call him Boss up till now and he is Mr Theven ;)
Till then... apa cite korang? Masih mengingati cikgu2 kalian lagi tak?
Selamat Hari Guru/Pengajar/Pendidik/Mentor ;)
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